by J. Aaron White
I blush to post this series of blogs. Men of much greater intellectual and spiritual stature than I have masterfully unpacked Paul's magnum opus, the Book of Romans. Yet I experienced the joy (and headache) of preaching through Romans for over four years to a local congregation. I realize that four years is a paltry attempt compared to the likes of Lloyd-Jones or Piper, but I tried nonetheless.
What follows is my attempt to help you, fellow preacher, bring your flock joyfully, soundly, and Christ-exaltingly through the Book of Romans. The sermon outlines provided are in no way meant to bind your conscience. If you feel that your exegesis is clearer and more faithful to the text, please use your own!
(Romans 8:12-13) Obliged to Kill: Our Grace-Empowered War on Sin
Main Point: The believer’s freedom from sin’s power compels and empowers them to make war on sin’s remaining presence. Therefore . . .
I. We are under no obligation to obey sin (v. 12)
II. We are explicitly warned about courting sin (v. 13a)
III. We are empowered to ruthlessly destroy sin (v. 13b)
(Romans 8:14-17) From Slaves to Sons: The Spirit of Adoption and the Believer's Hope
Main Point: The Spirit’s presence and power in our lives confirms our status as beloved children. Therefore, we have unshakable hope since . . .
I. The Spirit Governs Our Imperfect Obedience (v. 14)
II. The Spirit Confirms Our Permanent Adoption (vv. 15-16)
III. The Spirit Sustains Our Necessary Suffering (v. 17)
(Romans 8:18) Smile at Your Suffering: Heirs of God on the Road to Glory
Main Point: The extravagance of the future glory that awaits believers sustains them in their present suffering. Therefore . . .
I. Suffering is Real and Multifaceted
II. Glory is Unspeakable and Unimaginable
III. Glory is Transforming and All-consuming
IV. Glory is Confirmed and Guaranteed
(Romans 8:19-22) The Universal Groan: Anticipation of Glory in the Already/Not Yet
Main Point: Creation itself endures hopeful suffering in the already/not yet. Therefore, the whole created order . . .
I. Anxiously awaits the day of our glorification (v. 19)
II. Longs to be free from the curse of the Fall (v. 20)
III. Groans for winter to give way to spring (v. 22)
IV. Yearns to participate in our full deliverance (v. 21)
a. We will be with Christ
b. We will be like Christ
c. We will share in the glory of Christ
d. We will feast and rejoice with Christ
e. We will rule and reign with Christ
(Romans 8:23-25) The Hope-Filled Groan of God's Pilgrims: Persevering in Hope With Eager Expectation
Main Point: The assurance of future glory fuels our hope in the pain of today. Therefore…
I. Hope is confirmed by the Spirit (v. 23)
II. Hope anchors our souls (v. 24)
III. Hope fuels our perseverance (v. 25)