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Recommended Resource: 40 Questions About Biblical Theology - guest contributor Dr. Jason DeRouchie


In this most recent edition to the well-known 40 Questions series, I as an Old Testament scholar partnered with two Christ-treasuring other scholars (Systematic Theologian Oren Martin and New Testament Scholar Andy Naselli) to introduce readers to the nature and practice of biblical theology. For Christians, this discipline is essential, for it wrestles with how the whole Bible progresses, integrates, and climaxes in Christ.

More specifically, biblical theology is a way of analyzing and synthesizing the Bible that makes organic, salvation-historical connections with the whole canon on its own terms, especially regarding how the Old and New Testaments progress, integrate, and climax in Christ. We celebrated writing this volume in the 40 Questions series because people can choose to read the whole book cover to cover or they can simply find the question that most interests them and read the answer, which almost always comes in 10 pages or less. Not only this, if you just want to know the gist, every chapter ends with a summary, which is then followed by five questions for personal or group reflection.

Not only do we define biblical theology and explore proper method, but we also illustrate and apply biblical theology with numerous examples. We have chapters that trace themes from Genesis to Revelation (e.g., the covenants, serpent, the people of God, the Law, the Temple, mission, land, resurrection), while others overview how later Scripture uses earlier Scripture (e.g., the use of Exod 15:2 in Isa 12:2; the use of Isa 40:13 and Job 41:11a in Rom 11:34–35; the use of Lev 18:5 in Gal 3:12). We also have chapters that consider how biblical theology helps us teach and preach the OT, how Christians relate to OT promises, how biblical theology should impact the Christian life, how a church can teach biblical theology, and what should motivate us to engage in it.

We hope and pray that this volume will help people increasingly recognize that both the Old and New Testaments are Christian Scripture and magnify the person of Christ. We want people to better understand how the whole Bible progresses, integrates, and climaxes in Jesus. Finally, we desire for people to see more clearly how Jesus fulfills what the Old Testament promised, realizes what the Old Testament anticipated, and inaugurates in full the new creation, new age, and new covenant in a way that supersedes their old counterparts yet that also awaits complete finalization.

This book is targeted toward thoughtful and hungry laymen, but it will benefit church leaders and students as well. Anyone will benefit who is interested in seeing and savoring the Triune God and in celebrating his purposes from creation to consummation climaxing in Christ.

*** FREE GIVEAWAY*** Christ-Centered and Clear will give away free paperback copies of Forty Questions About Biblical Theology to two subscribers. We will choose the winners from our CC&C subscriber list on Monday, December 21st and will contact the winners via email.



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