Here is how I divided up the strange and interesting book of Judges.
Judges 1:1-2:5—Their Heart Wasn't In It
Judges 2:6-3:6—From Lord to Mini-lords
Judges 3:7-3:31—Othniel and Ehud: A Shocking Salvation
Judges 4-5—Deborah and Barak: The Unwilling Deliverer
Judges 6—Gideon part 1: Getting Ready
Judges 7-8:21—Gideon part 2: Triumph in Weakness
Judges 8:22-9:57—Abimelech: I Just Can't Wait to be King
Judges 10:6-12:15—Jephthah: Rash Words
Judges 13-15—Samson part 1: Flawed But There's Also More!
Judges 16—Samson part 2: What Are We Living For?
Judges 17-18—Micah and the Danites: Do It Yourself Religion
Judges 19-21—A Levite and a Concubine: Doing What You Want Sex